Jerk Fuzzballs Trade for Davis

Khris Davis 'Kh' rushing a solo shot with the Fuzzballs last Season

By Johnny Blondo May 17, 2019


After the Garvey’s last game, where they lost 1-0 to the Worms, the Garvey’s General Manager, Mike Garvey, Agreed to trade Davis to the Fuzzballs. The deal, which happened moments after the game, happened when the Fuzzballs elite scouts saw something in his swing, and realized that the foolish Garvey front office was fed-up with him.


The deal was one-on-one, Davis for the speedy Lorenzo Cain, who was struggling for the Jerks. When we asked the Fuzzballs GM why he went through with the trade, he replied, “Well, first off, coming into this season we decided to actually challenge ourselves this year, so we drop a lot of our big bats and went for smaller faster guys. our plan was run the heck out of the bases, and let Freeman( who is batting .280 with 1 home run and 6BB) drive ’em in. So far it has been working to perfection, but we were getting bored.” He said. “So when we saw an opportunity with Davis, we went all in.” Cain, who had 2 hits in 11 AB’s, is seen as a ‘Hot headed loser’ in the Fuzzballs clubhouse


When asked to comment, most of the team responded with sighs of relief. “Finally!” Said ace Buehler. ” All he was doing was making outs on the base paths. on both of his hits he was thrown-out stealing.” Cain was 0 for 2 is stolen base attempts.


The jerk Fuzzballs play the Garveys next, and are looking forward to showing them what potential they threw away Davis.


Lorenzo Cain caught trying to score at home on a routine grounder


Johnny Blondo has been a reporter for BatBreaker since 2018.