By Johnny Blondo June 10, 2019
One week after manager Ted Smith walked out on his team citing offensive
struggles and the on-field antics of Aaron Judge, the Need Chickens toppled the best team in the Batbreaker Baseball League. The Chickens bested the 7 and 2 Spiky Dudes 1-0 in an all out pitching duel won by the left-hander Chris Sale. The only run in the game came early on a solo shot by Chicken’s third baseman David Bote.
We reached out to former Chickens manager Ted Smith who cited an “accidental homer and freak pitcher” as the reason for Need’s win. “Bote couldn’t even pay for a base hit when I was managing, isn’t he a Cubbie??
He just waits for someone to give him one, he must be buddies with Fried” continued Smith.
Dan Mike was unavailable for comment as he was busy filling water bottles and tallying stats for the game.
Johnny Blondo has been a reporter for BatBreaker since 2018.